Our Mission
CATSA is a woman-owned, small business on a big mission to create the coolest, space-themed, design objects for cat lovers. Proceeds from our refined, feline designs fund cat rescue and advocacy projects for community cats and their caregivers.
As founding members, we have dedicated ourselves to the care of community cats through countless hours of advocacy, coordinating, volunteering, trapping, transporting, fundraising, feeding, adopting, fostering and inevitably, foster-failing. (For those that are unfamiliar with the term, foster-failing is when an adorable, friendly “street cat” ends up in your lap - upside down, purring while making air-biscuits and you are hopeless to resist!)
Adopting a little one during the course of a TNR (Trap, Neuter & Return) project happens more often than we care to admit, but it is our deep connections and love for these lucky few that remind us of the many others that are still out there in need of ongoing care and assistance.
TNR R&D = Trap, Neuter & Return Research & Development
The CATSA project started as a notebook filled with sketches and thought experiments. Some purely whimsical and others specifically to address our own struggles and frustrations in the field. The one thing we know from our experience is that TNR is really hard work. Work that is never done. Patience, perseverance and compassion are essential to helping community cats coexist harmoniously with their human neighbors. There is no “EASY” button.
We knew we needed to complement our field efforts with a fresh dose of creative inspiration and ingenuity. We resolved to create a platform to try out our ideas and to turn promising concepts into reality. United under the flag of CATSA, we have been working hard to do just that. We call our design driven approach TNR R&D.
No self-respecting Research & Development program would be complete without a troupe of daredevil test subjects and discerning, wary eyed critics. The CATSA development team combed vacant lots and back alleys for years to assemble our own, in-house Catsanaut test crew. These incredibly rambunctious and opinionated fur balls are tasked with pushing prototype designs to their limits and destroying them in fabulously creative ways. Inimitable and entirely untrainable, Catsanauts are never shy about letting us know what works, and what kinda just sucks. They do not understand the meaning of the word “NO” and are fearless in pursuit of progress. After all, there is serious napping to be done.